Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The River: My Name is Jonas

In last night's episode, we get another piece of the puzzle.  Emmet Cole newly hired cameraman, Jonas, who is an adventurer.  He is also arrogant after being told not to film a funeral rite.  Jonas becomes cursed as the Hanging Man, and the jungle wants its revenge for Jonas's disregard for its people's tradition.

I really liked the character development of Jonas, from his interview tapes to his lying to the search party that he was thrown off the boat by Emmet. This storyline also showed that Lincoln is a better man that his parents who both were ready to throw Jonas off the boat to save themselves.  Jonas decided to take his life in his own hands, and he gave the jungle what it wanted i.e. contrition.

I am glad we got a new character to add to the search party, and I am sure we'll only learn more about the time on Emmet's boat before his disappearance.

Ironically, the episode title was "A Better Man" reminding me of a Pearl Jam song, and then Jonas's name made me think of the Weezer song.  So I included the Weezer video below.

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